Dyadic Studies Database

Project Overview

We are developing a specialized database for dyadic research in the field of health psychology. Our project is designed to make it easier for researchers to collect and share study data. The database serves as a go-to place for researchers who are looking for datasets, study information, or potential collaboration opportunities. By sharing details of your dyadic studies, you’re enabling wider use of your research and increasing its impact in the academic community.



Benefits and Goals

  • Meta-Analysis Source: The database provides a source of data for researchers conducting meta-analyses, offering a diverse range of studies for comprehensive analysis.

  • Collaboration Opportunities: It acts as a platform for researchers to find and engage with others in the field, opening up possibilities for joint research efforts.

  • Dataset Combination: By sharing study details, researchers can identify opportunities to combine datasets, leading to more robust and comprehensive research outcomes.

  • Efficiency Booster: The database saves researchers time and effort by providing relevant datasets and study details, eliminating the need to conduct the studies themselves.

  • Broad Utilization: It allows for a wider application of the research data, which might otherwise be limited to the original study.

  • Increased Impact: By making the data accessible to a larger audience, it enhances the overall impact of the research within the academic community.

The goal of this database is not only to facilitate the sharing of study data among researchers but also to serve as a resource for those seeking datasets or information about studies. It aims to provide a platform for researchers looking for potential collaboration opportunities and enhance the impact of their research within the academic community. By contributing to this database, researchers are playing a vital role in advancing the field of health psychology.

Your Contribution

Adding your study to the database is a simple and efficient process. While it is possible to enter a wide range if information, if you stick to the mandatory fields and keep it brief, it won’t take too long. We want to encourage exchange and inspiration, so we appreciate any level of detail. 

We wholeheartedly encourage you to share your work. By doing so, you’re contributing to a valuable resource that bolsters and advocates for research in health psychology. 

Your involvement is crucial in building a significant and practical database that caters to the health psychology research community. We look forward to your contributions and the collective advancements we can achieve in this field. Join now and enter your study under https://dyadicdata.irhcollaborative.com/. Let’s advance this field together.




Konstantin Schenkel

Ph.D, Senior Post-Doc, Project coordinator

Jeffry Simpson

Professor in the Department of Psychology, Director Social Interactions Lab, Project coordinator

Pascal Küng

MSc, Ph.D. candidate, database and website developement, contributor

Patrick Höhener

MSc, Ph.D. candidate, contributor

Julia Roseman

BSc, Research Associate, contributor