About us

Who we are

Group picture mad at the first in-person meeting of the group in Zürich, 2023

We are a group of researchers from different universities in the U.S. and Europe (Germany, Poland, Switzerland). We all share the interest in dyadic and interpersonal processes (e.g., social support, social control) related to health and well-being, with a particular focus on health-related behaviors. In the context of this collaborative, we jointly work on different projects that all aim to move the research in the area of interpersonal relationships and health behaviors, and physical and mental forward.

If you are interested in staying up to date on learning more about our activities, publications, or future public events please sign up for our mailing list by contacting us through our contact form (please note that mailings will be irregular). 


Lilly Buhr

Ph.D., Lead Prevention

Julia Roseman

BSc, Research Associate

Gertraud (Turu) Stadler

Prof., Director - Institute Gender in Medicine (GiM)

Niall Bolger

Prof., Director of the Couples Lab and Professor of Psychology

Nina Knoll

Professor of Health Psychology

Amelie Spliesgart

MSc, Research Associate, Health Psychology

Chloe Huelsnitz

Ph.D., National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)

Lea O. Wilhelm

MSc, Research Associate (Third-party fund) workHealth

Nottwil, Switzerland

Janina Lüscher

Ph.D, Group Leader "Psychosocial Dynamics & Health"

Simone Lüthi

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Anna Banik

Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher

Aleksandra Łuszczyńska

Prof., Head of the CARE-BEH Research Center

Bern, Switzerland

Corina Berli

Ph.D., Lecturer

Minneapolis, United States

Emily Chan

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Monique Nakamura

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Anshu Patel

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Abby Person

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Alex Rothman

Professor in the Department of Psychology

Jeffry Simpson

Professor in the Department of Psychology, Director Social Interactions Lab

Charlotte Sudduth

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Grace Vieth

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Zurich, Switzerland

James Allen

Ph.D, Post-Doc

Patrick Höhener

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Sophie Kittelberger

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Pascal Küng

MSc, Ph.D. Student

Nadja Peeters

MSc, Research Associate

Konstantin Schenkel

Ph.D, Senior Post-Doc

Urte Scholz

Prof., Head of Applied Social and Health Psychology

Karoline Villinger

Ph.D, Post-Doc