We are excited to announce the call for abstracts for flashlight talks and the poster session at our upcoming conference, which aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in the study of interpersonal relationships and behavior change.
The Multi Dyad Project investigates how romantic partners, friends, and family influence physical activity through social support and control to create more effective health interventions.
In this project, we set out to identify issues in health-related social control theory, measurement, and research with the goal of developing solutions for navigating them.
We developed a database to collect information about dyadic datasets. Add your study in just a few minutes and contribute to this project. Browse studies to find collaborations, start with meta-analyses, or get inspired.
“What makes a dyadic intervention dyadic?” In this project we seek to answer this question by developing a meta-framework that systematically identifies and describes the underlying dimensions of dyadic intervention programs.
Our dynamic webinar series foster collaboration, mentorship, updates on ongoing projects, discussions, and expert insights.