- irh -

Interpersonal Relationships and Health

Cutting-edge research in social and health psychology

Featured Projects

We developed a database to collect information about dyadic datasets. Add your study in just a few minutes and contribute to this project. Browse studies to find collaborations, start with meta-analyses, or get inspired.

We developed a database to collect information about dyadic datasets. Add your study in just a few minutes and contribute to this project. Browse studies to find collaborations, start with meta-analyses, or get inspired.

Our dynamic webinar series foster collaboration, mentorship, updates on ongoing projects, discussions, and expert insights.

More projects can be found under “Projects“.

About us

We are a group of researchers from many different institutions around the world. Our goal is to advance research related to health and wellbeing by looking beyond the individual and exploring different social exchange processes like social support or control. 

We develop definitions and measurements, provide guidelines and recommendations for research, and provide resources and platforms for all kinds of researchers to connect, learn, and work together.  

Group picture mad at the first in-person meeting of the group in Zürich, 2023


Here are the latest news displayed. If you want to see older items as well, please go to “News“.


Whether you’re curious about our projects or simply want to reach out to us, where here to answer questions.